A safe, sheltered place full of meaning and memories. That is what jazzana was. A casket for your own treasures. Treasures which at that time had not neither carats nor precious stones. They simply were the purest jewels that the earth could give. Genuine ingredients which were worth much more than gold, that deserved to be placed there carefully.
Jazzana is an infinitive journey through time and and memories, to come back , where everything started, there, in ancient kitchen with a woody table and a charcoal burner. Right there were anything smelled different, just because it sounded like home.
The skilled hand of a sicilian woman who kneaded the best sweet for a son who came back from far away, are the ones which gave life to the recipes almost forgotten, writing them down in a now old notebook to never forget about doses and precious steps.
That woman’s soul , who passed on her knowledge, the unresting passion which still lives in all of her recipes, the Pistone family who with the same love pursues the sweetest of all the heritages, is all here.